3 simple ways to drive more traffic to your website

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Investing in a well-designed and responsive website is now more important than ever, but what is even more important is ensuring your website is visible and experiencing a high volume of traffic.

These three simple steps will improve your web traffic results, potentially leading to more sales in the future:

Optimise your web pages

Choosing a relevant URL for your web page is one of the most important factors in your search engine optimisation strategy, as this is what enables search engines to index it.

For example, if you created a page about cooling systems, naming it www.website.com/cooling-systems would allow search engines and readers to instantly understand what the web page is about, which would improve rankings.

Alongside URLs, it is also important to optimise content, title tags, meta descriptions and keywords as they are equally important on-page SEO factors if you want to boost your organic results.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly

According to research (http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/8/9480779/google-search-mobile-vs-desktop-2015), more than half of Google’s 100 billion monthly searches now occur on mobile devices.

An increasing number of your website visitors will be browsing on their phone or tablet, so if your website isn’t responsive they will simply leave – thus increasing your bounce rate.

Since April 2015, having a mobile-friendly website is also an important ranking factor. Whether you are a small or large business, now is the time to make the change before your rankings fall dramatically and you put mobile users off your site.

Improve website speed

Ever got frustrated with a website that takes forever to load? If your site is slow, your bounce rate will be sky high, which will affect your rankings. It’s important your pages open smoothly; images shouldn’t be too large and third-party plug-ins need to be working correctly for optimal website speed.

As part of our website design service, we take care of all the above marketing strategies for you in order to boost your web traffic and sales. If you would like help with your website and graphic design, please contact us today.

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5 website improvements every business can make in the next week to get more leads


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