4 things you should research before getting a new website

Website design is one of the most important factors in a small businesses online strategy and it should be a top priority. Choosing a professional web designer can be the best way to make sure your business looks great and your website does everything you want it to. Before going to a web designer for a new website for your business, there are some things you should think about. These 4 prompts will help you build a better brief for what you’re looking for and give the developer all the information they need to make sure they design the perfect website for you.

Similar websites

If there are certain companies whose websites you really like, compile a list and think about why you like them and what features you want to bring to your website. It could be a lot of social media connectivity, their colour scheme or their easy navigation. Show this to your web designer so they can get a better mental picture of what you like and why. If you’re stuck for ideas, check out your competitors or market leaders and see how they approach their web design.


What will you use to keep your website up to date? Are you totally confident with coding or do you need a simpler way to maintain your website? After your website launches, it’s up to you to keep the content up to date and relevant so make sure you know what you can handle and that you can manage the website to its best advantage.


Make sure you have some samples of your packaging or your promotional materials on hand so that your designer can see what design choices you have previously gone for. Think about what you want to carry through to your website and social media presence for continuity and what you’d like to get rid of or change. The development of a new website could be the ideal time for a rebranding.

Think about your online customer

You may already have some great customer personas for your marketing strategy but it’s good to think about your online customers separately too. If you’re looking to reach more customers, you may want more younger people to visit your website than you would in store or you might be targeting people in higher positions through your website than through direct or offline marketing. Who are they and what do they want to see from your site? You’ll need this information when it comes to promoting your online presence through search engine optimisation and digital marketing.

If you’re ready to discuss your new website design with us, contact us today. We also offer graphic design services if you’re undergoing a rebranding as well as marketing and SEO services to help you make the biggest impact.

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