You might think that the simple answer is ‘no’ and, of course, there are many differences between the two. However, the principles of business remain the same, and it’s easy to find some e-commerce stores that fail to follow them. Let’s examine three of these key similarities, and how they can be effectively handled on your e-commerce website:
Easy to navigate
A real-life department store would have helpful direction signs to allow visitors to find their way easily to where they want to be. Other signs would have the job of directing them to key places the store owners want them to find. An online store presence should be the same. Effective website design helps visitors – particularly those making their first visit – to easily navigate the site.
Products on show
Physically visiting a business to look at a specific product becomes frustrating if you can’t then easily find it. Many folk would ask, but others, if the store was busy, would simply choose to leave and search elsewhere. Transfer this online and the frustration is heightened, simply because it isn’t as quick or easy to ask as it would be in a physical location. Solution one is to make sure all products are clearly displayed and easy to find. Solution two is to have a chat facility so that queries can be quickly answered – although this might not be possible in all circumstances.
Products being sold
Not the same as simply being on show. In a store, visitors can physically handle the item, and a salesperson can add vital selling information. Online, a chance to view the product from different angles, or a range of images, can help. For the second point, it’s vital that effective selling content is included. This should attach desired benefits to key product features and add a call to take buying action without delay. Online, you are also paying attention to ensuring that this content is maximised for your search engine optimisation needs.
Following the ideas covered in these three key areas can help a small business to make an online e-commerce experience as easy and enjoyable for visitors as it can be. This then feeds through into sales!
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